Alexander, by David Wade

BBC Radio 4: Classic Serial.

The Macedonian conqueror, Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) was incontestably one of the greatest military generals of all time. From the time he sacked Thebes and crossed the Hellespont to his death 11 years later, he conquered the entire Persian empire, including Tyre, Egypt and Babylon, and moved on to the present-day northern India and Afghanistan. Though Alexander made use of the well-oiled army created by his father, he pushed the limits of Macedonian and Greek power to levels even his father, King Philip II of Macedon, could not have dreamed of.

Alexander's conquests paved the way for the spread of Greek culture (facilitating the spread of Christianity centuries later), and removed many of the obstacles that might have prevented the expansion of the Roman Empire. In other words, the world we know today might never have been if not for Alexander's bloody, yet unifying, conquest.

Music composed and played by Wilfredo Acosta

Directed by Glyn Dearman

1) 'The King's Son' (Sunday 18th July 1993 @ 2:30 p.m.)

It's the summer of 356 B.C. Outside the city of Pella in southern Macedonia, the spirits of Achilles and Patroclus are watching and waiting to greet the new 'Achilles'. As Olympias gives birth to Alexander, Achilles and Patroclus are joined by the 'Fates' who foretell that Alexander will have strength, wealth, luck and everlasting fame but only a short life.

With Barry Foster [The Spirit of Achilles], Simon Ward [The Spirit of Patroclus], Brian Cox [King Philip II of Macedon], Geraldine James [Queen Olympias], Sam Crane [The Young Alexander], David March [Antipatros], Malcolm Sinclair [Demosthenes], Keith Drinkel [Lysimachus], Gary King [The Young Hephaestion], Barry J. Gordon [Aristander], Philip Anthony [Artabazus], John Evitts [Cleitus], John Webb [Leonidas], James Telfer [Pausanias], David Thorpe [Menapis / Ascanius], Patti Holloway [Helleniki], Oona Beeson [Barsine], and the three Parcae (Fates): Rachel Atkins [Clotho], Jill Graham [Lachesis], and Diana Payan [Atropos].

Note: The extract from the Iliad was from a translation by Richard Latimer.

60 minutes.

2) 'I am also Alexander' (Sunday 25th July 1993 @ 2:30 p.m.)

Eleven years have past since Alexander, the new Prince of Macedon, was born. His first teacher was Leonidas, a relative of Olympias. Leonidas instilled in Alexander his ascetic nature for which he became famous during his future campaigns; he lived simply, in a Spartan way, eating and sleeping together with his troops. Leonidas was replaced with Lysimachus, who taught Prince Alexander to play the lyre, and to appreciate the arts. He loved Homer, and always slept with a copy of the Iliad under his pillow. His motto being: 'Always to be best; eclipse all other men'.

The years have also brought Hephaestion, the new 'Patroclus', to Pella.

It is early spring 346 B.C. An embassy from Athens has come to Pella, King Philip's capital in southern Macedonia, seeking peace with Philip, King of Macedon. Among the envoys, the orator of the poison tongue, Demosthenes.

With Michael Maloney [Alexander], Sam Crane [The Young Alexander], Alex Jennings [Hephaestion], Gary King [The Young Hephaestion], Barry Foster [The Spirit of Achilles], Simon Ward [The Spirit of Patroclus], Brian Cox [King Philip II of Macedon], Geraldine James [Queen Olympias], John Moffatt [Aristotle], Malcolm Sinclair [Demosthenes], Keith Drinkel [Lysimachus], John Webb [Leonidas], Julian Rhind-Tutt [Ptolemy], Michael Onslow [Philotas], James Telfer [Pausanias], David Thorpe [Ascanius], Barry J. Gordon [Antaeus], and John Evitts [Democritus].

60 minutes

3) 'Preparation of the Sacrifice' (Sunday 1st August 1993 @ 2:30 p.m.)

During Philip's expedition against Byzantium in 340 B.C., Alexander the Prince Regent, then sixteen years old, was left in Macedonia in the charge of the royal seal; at that time, he was anything but idle: he managed to subjugate the rebellious Maedi, a Thracian tribe. He took their capital town by storm, drove out the barbarous inhabitants, and created a colony of several nations in their region, calling the new town Alexandropolis.

With Michael Maloney [Alexander], Alex Jennings [Hephaestion], Barry Foster [The Spirit of Achilles], Simon Ward [The Spirit of Patroclus], Brian Cox [King Philip II of Macedon], Geraldine James [Queen Olympias], David March [Antipatros], Malcolm Sinclair [Demosthenes / Calas], John Rye [Parmenian], Julian Rhind-Tutt [Ptolemy], Michael Onslow [Philotas], James Telfer [Pausanias], Barry J. Gordon [Aristander / Antaeus], John Evitts [Simias / Demades], John Baddeley [Atinas], and Geraldine Fitzgerald [Lapithia].

60 minutes

4) 'The Road to Gordium' (Sunday 8th August 1993 @ 2:30 p.m.)

Soon after sunrise on the summer's day in the year 336 B.C., King Philip of Macedon is about to enter the great amphitheatre at Ege, the ancient capital of Macedonia, when he's assassinated by his officer Pausanias during the celebration of his daughter's wedding to Olympias' brother, Alexander of Epirus.

Alexander was immediately presented to the army as the new king of Macedon. Alexander was not the only pretender to the vacant throne: but, recognised by the army, he soon swept all rivals from his path.

Alexander prepares for his expected invasion of the Persian Empire, previously planned and initiated by Philip.

With Michael Maloney [Alexander], Alex Jennings [Hephaestion], Barry Foster [The Spirit of Achilles], Simon Ward [The Spirit of Patroclus], Geraldine James [Queen Olympias], Charles Kay [Persian King, Darius III], David March [Antipatros], Malcolm Sinclair [Demosthenes / Calas], Michael Onslow [Philotas], Dominic Letts [Harpalus], Mark Straker [Perdiccas], Barry J. Gordon [Antaeus], John Evitts [Simias / Cleitus], John Baddeley [Lord Nabarzanes / Memnon], Jonathan Adams [General Karadimas], and Geraldine Fitzgerald [The Queen of Caria / Lapithia].

60 minutes

5) 'The Hunt of the God King' (Sunday 15th August 1993 @ 2:30 p.m.)

From Gordium and his cutting of the Gordian knot, which could only be loosed by the man who was to rule Asia, Alexander continues on the road to Syria. It is early autumn of the year 333 B.C. when Alexander is marked by a violent fever that arrested him for a while in Tarsus.

When he recovers, Alexander comes head to head with King Darius during the Battle of Issus on the north-east Mediterranean coast. He defeats Darius and send him and the relic of his army in feral flight back to the east.

It was an incident which did not modify Alexander's plan. He did not press the pursuit far, although the great king's camp with his harem fell into his hands.

With Michael Maloney [Alexander], Alex Jennings [Hephaestion], Barry Foster [The Spirit of Achilles], Simon Ward [The Spirit of Patroclus], Geraldine James [Queen Olympias], Charles Kay [The Persian King, Darius III], John Rye [Parmenian], Sean Barrett [Philip, Alexander's physician], Keith Drinkel [Lysimachus / Mazaeus], Julian Rhind-Tutt [Ptolemy], Michael Onslow [Philotas], Mark Straker [Perdiccas], James Telfer [Eumenes], Philip Anthony [Artabazus], John Evitts [Simias], Teresa Gallagher [Barsine], Diana Payan [Sisygambis], Rachel Atkins [Phais], and Richard Pearce [The Eunuch].

60 minutes

6) 'Great Son of Ammon' (Sunday 22nd August 1993 @ 2:30 p.m.)

With the Panhellenic war of revenge now over, the Thessalians and Greek allies were sent home; since then Alexander was conducting a purely personal war. Alexander's political and ideological views on the empire were changing: He had come to new political idea of two jointly ruling people: Macedonians and Persians. That new politics created opposition and misunderstanding between Alexander and Macedonians.

It is the summer of the year 330 B.C. Alexander, with his fastest troops, chased Darius for 12 days and nights and travelled over 800 km. Meanwhile, Darius troop strength was reduced to 6,000 foot and 3,000 horse. Darius had moved to Bactria, to Bessus - the satrap of Bactria. It was an thrilling chase of king by king, in which each covered the ground by barely credible exertions, past Rhagae (Rai) and the Caspian gates, till early one morning Alexander came in sight of the broken train which still clung to the fallen king.

With Michael Maloney [Alexander], Alex Jennings [Hephaestion], Barry Foster [The Spirit of Achilles], Simon Ward [The Spirit of Patroclus], Julian Rhind-Tutt [Ptolemy], Michael Onslow [Philotas], Mark Straker [Perdiccas], Matthew Sim [Bagoas], Philip Anthony [Aristander], David Thorpe [Craterus], John Evitts [Simias / Cleitus], Malcolm Sinclair [Calas], Jonathan Adams [Callisthenes], John Hollis [Oxyartes], Renu Setna [Calanus / Eumenes], James Telfer [Page], and the three Parcae (Fates): Rachel Atkins [Clotho], Jill Graham [Lachesis], and Diana Payan [Atropos].

60 minutes


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